Join us on April 25th for this fascinating presentation
updated on 03-11-2025
A webinar with
Dyan Haspel-Johnson, Ph.D
Hypnosis and Sleep: How to
Deliver Hypnotic
Suggestions That Support
Healthy Sleep
Presented by the
Central Texas Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Friday, April 25, 2025 • 1:00-3:00 PM Central US
Event and Membership Payment Information
CTSCH MEMBERS: CTSCH members have full access to all quarterly programs for 2025 and contents of the clinical video library, which includes this and two additional webinars. Members can RSVP for this webinar by clicking here.
NON-MEMBERS: Non-member licensed professionals can attend for $45 and $10 for graduate students. You can join CTSCH now with an extended annual membership that carries through the end of 2025 for $85. (this includes access to all recorded clinical videos in the CTSCH video library). Send your RSVP and submit payment by first clicking the Pay Now button below, then selecting the purchase (Membership or Single-event) using the PayPal drop-down menu. Finally, choose your payment method and complete the purchase.
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The Central Texas Society of Clinical Hypnosis is pleased to present the second webinar in our 2025 training series with a two-hour webinar presentation by by psychologist, Dyan Haspel-Johnson, Ph.D. She will offer an informative program titled, "Hypnosis and Sleep: How to Deliver Hypnotic Suggestions That Support Healthy Sleep."
As a member benefit, joining the Central Texas Society of Clinical Hypnosis offers you complimentary access to all 2025 live webinars, and on-demand videos of those events in the CTSCH video library. We do our best to keep membership dues at a reasonable level, with only one price increase since 2008.
To join CTSCH or renew, scroll down to the Event and Membership Payment Information section below and follow the instructions. Submit payment of $85 for the annual membership or a single event fee of $45/licensed professionals and $10/graduate students. Graduate student annual membership is $30. Current members can RSVP by clicking here. The event will be recorded and available later for online viewing by CTSCH members, and an announcement will be made when the edited video is posted..
Program Description and Presenter
Half of all adults experience regular sleep disturbances, with significant portions of the population suffering from chronic insomnia, according to Rand's 2023 Global Report. Hypnosis can be very helpful with inducing relaxation, releasing anxiety, and controlling the spinning thoughts that often accompany insomnia. However, unless we, as practitioners, understand sleep architecture and the specific components of sleep, we cannot design and deliver the unique suggestions that most effectively target sleep and wake cycles. To fully address sleep disturbance, we must shift our perception of insomnia, cognitive fog, and fatigue as true issues with sleep per se. Instead, these symptoms should be thought of as challenges to the transitions between states of wakefulness and sleeping. Because hypnosis is a bridge between the conscious (awake) and unconscious (sleeping) minds, it can be an extraordinary tool for impacting those transitional challenges, between states of being awake and being asleep, in a safe and profound way. In this workshop, we will discuss the foundations of sleep in the body and brain, explore some of the architecture of sleep and hypnosis, and learn how to address sleep/wake issues using hypnotic metaphors, language, and specific suggestions.
Dyan Haspel-Johnson, Ph.D., S.E.P., maintains licenses from the California, Colorado and Texas Boards of Psychology, is a Consultant for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, co-taught Clinical Hypnosis at UCLA through the Dept of Psychiatry, and is Past President of the Southern California Society for Clinical Hypnosis. She additionally co-founded the Los Angeles Erickson Institute and is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. Although she continues to speak on a broad range of topics to professionals, to the public, in podcasts and summits, sleep has become her particular area of expertise. This led her to become a VIP contributor to Arianna Huffington’s wellness site, www.thriveglobal.com in addition to posting regular blogs on hypnosis and sleep on her own website www.drdyan.com.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to...
Identify at least 3 specific aspects of sleep problems or architecture that can be effectively addressed using hypnotic suggestions.
Construct at least 3 metaphors or embedded suggestions that address common sleep problems pertaining to sleep architecture.
Deliver at least 3 hypnotic suggestions that specifically relate to sleep.
Formulate and practice at least 2 different hypnotic inductions that target healing sleep and fatigue problems.
Continuing Education Credit
This program offers 2 CEUs for licensed professionals in Texas, including social workers, LPCs and LMFTs. Texas psychologists may be able to use the presentation for 2 hours of CEU toward the optional part of their continuing education requirements. This event was approved by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis for 2 hours of continuing education credit for membership and certification purposes.
Contact George Glaser or Anita Jung with questions about this program, how to register, how to join the Central Texas Society of Clinical Hypnosis, or anything else that comes to mind.